Last Update: 08 December 2020

Rules in PDF English فارسی
Rules in Word English فارسی
Mental Health is one of the basic challenges of human beings, as it has correlation with the efficiency of human beings, personally and in the society. And also there is a relation between mental health and the level of scientific and industrial development of the society. Nowadays, countries spend lots of resources to increase the level of Mental Health. Also they plan to use organizations and local and social resources.
According to the world definition, mental health is not just lack of mental disorders. But also it is consist of other factors such as pleasurable feeling and living satisfaction, flexibility, growth and development. One of the goals of health systems in the field of mental health is disseminating of mental health in the society.
Therefore, to increase the level of mental health in the society, The Zanjan University of Medical Sciences and Health Services and Focus Photo Club (Operational Member of FIAP in Iran), organize this exhibition.
The speed of the corona virus and its lethality is such that every individual in the society should pay attention to the methods of preventing the transmission of the virus and play a role in stopping the transmission cycle. Due to the importance of the topic and the relevance of mental health in times of crisis, and the Corona pandemic crisis, the COVID-19 section is also added to the sections.
Mental Health 2020 INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION OF PHOTOGRAPHY is with the patronage of the Federation Internationale de l'Art Photographique (FIAP), 2020/544. Acceptances obtained in this salon will be taken into account for FIAP Distinctions.
- Open
- Mental Health
- Covid-19
Each entrant may submit a maximum of 4 images in each of the 3 sections.
Rules & Submission:
Image Size: Photos must be in JPEG, RGB file format, maximum 1 MB.
Maximum Dimensions: 1400 pix. Horizontal side and 1400 pix. Vertical side.
As we will be printing a representative selection of the accepted images to a size of 50x70 cm or larger to exhibit, participants who have had their photos selected to be printed must, upon request, submit via the web site a High Definition file with at least 4000 pixels in the greatest dimension or the biggest size captured by their camera. It is responsibility of the author to control if the submitted photo has enough quality to print in 50X70 cm for the print exhibition. Photos that have not such quality may receive only acceptances, not award. The exhibition organizers reserve the right to delete the entry from the exhibition and void acceptance or award in connection with the exhibition if the author in anyway refuse to submit high quality file for print exhibition.
In open sections, entrants can enter photos with any kind of theme: for example: portrait, people, nature, wildlife, landscape, architecture, still-life photography, digital imaging, HDR photos, etc.
Mental health Definition: We strictly suggest to watch winning and accepted photos of the last edition in the Result page. By this, we mean photographs of the following subjects with, the emphasis on psychological, social spiritual and mental health, such as: happiness, social connections, children and their psychological world, effective communication, collective mutual understanding, positive parenting, protection of women, elderly, children and vulnerable groups, acceptance of differences, acceptance of psychiatric patients, stigmatization of psychiatric disorders, psychological resilience, mental health components of public health and all other issues related to mental health.
COVID-19 Definition: All topics related to human life during COVID-19 Pandemic, including:
- The sorrows and hardships of the Corona era including: pictures of patients admitted to medical centers, quarantined patients at home, deceased, and funeral rites and et
- The efforts of the medical staffs
- Family life of healthy people in quarantine, including children, middle-aged people, the elderly
- Urban life, social distance and observance of the protocols and manifestations of non-observance and observance
- Teleworking and the Internet and its role during lockdown
- Images of urban districts during lockdown that are empty of people.
- The positive and negative environmental effects of the Corona Virus
- Sanitary waste and its disposal in the city
- Microscopic images of the virus or medical images that indicate disease side-effects.
- Job changes in the provision of health care services or methods
- Public and urban transport affected by the corona virus
- Creative images or photomontages that have a message or reference to the corona virus.
- Sports and the corona virus
No need to pay entry fee! This exhibition is free.
Opening Date: 30 September 2020
Closing Date: 06 December 2020 (Duo to Covid 19, Extended to 06 January 2021)
Judging: 20-27 December 2020 (Will be done after finishing of Covid-19 Lockdown)
Notification emails sent: 11 January 2021 (Will be done after finishing of Covid-19 Lockdown)
Exhibitions and slide shows: 30 May 2021
Catalogues & awards sent: 30 May 2021
Art Director & Director of International Affairs
P. O. Box: 16315/544 Farzaneh Pazoki
Tehran, IRAN
: +989127999146
Totally Euro 9000 cash Prizes
Best Photo Club Award: Exhibition Trophy
Best Author Award: FIAP light Blue Badge + Exhibition Trophy. Best Author Award will be given to the participant who has achieved the highest number of total acceptances of all 3 sections of the exhibition.
Awards in the Mental Health Section:
1st award: Exhibition Trophy + FIAP Gold Medal + Euro 2000
2nd award: Exhibition Trophy + Euro 1250
3rd award: Exhibition Trophy + Euro 750
2 FIAP Ribbon
Awards in the Open Section:
1st award: Exhibition Trophy + FIAP Gold Medal + Euro 1250
2nd award: Exhibition Trophy + Euro 750
3rd award: Exhibition Trophy + Euro 500
2 FIAP Ribbon
Awards in the Covid-19 Section:
1st award: Exhibition Trophy + FIAP Gold Medal + Euro 1250
2nd award: Exhibition Trophy + Euro 750
3rd award: Exhibition Trophy + Euro 500
2 FIAP Ribbon
A. Open Section
- Romain NERO, EFIAP/g, HonEFIAP, FIAP Director of Patronage Service, Luxembourg
- Ahmed AL-BUSAIDI, HonEFIAP ,EFIAP/s, PSO President, Oman
- Mohamad Reza CHAIFOROOSH, Iran
- Masoud ZENDEROOH, Iran
- Hamid Reza BAZARGANI, Iran
B. Mental Health Section
- Romain NERO, EFIAP/g, HonEFIAP, FIAP Director of Patronage Service, Luxembourg
- Ahmed AL-BUSAIDI, HonEFIAP ,EFIAP/s, PSO President, Oman
- Mohamad Reza CHAIFOROOSH, Iran
- Dr. Khalid SAEED, Regional Advisor for Mental Health and Substance Abuse at EMRO, Pakistan
- Dr. Ahmad Hajebi, Director General of the Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse, Iran
C. Covid-19
- Romain NERO, EFIAP/g, HonEFIAP, FIAP Director of Patronage Service, Luxembourg
- Ahmed AL-BUSAIDI, HonEFIAP ,EFIAP/s, PSO President, Oman
- Mohamad Reza CHAIFOROOSH, Iran
- Dr. Christoph Hamelmann, WHO Representative in Iran, Germany
- Dr. Mohammad Reza Saeini, Deputy for Health of Zanjan University of Medical Sciences, Iran
- Entry is open to all photographers, amateur and professional, worldwide.
- Sections: There are no restrictions as to subject matter except as outlined in the rules and definitions of specific sections, or specified by law in Iran.
- Previous Acceptances: Images accepted in a previous Mental Health Exhibition or which, in the opinion of the organizers, are too similar to those accepted in a previous Mental Health Exhibition, will not be judged.
- Copyright: All parts of the image have to be photographed by the author who is holding the copyright of all works submitted. Clip Art and Copyright Free material are not acceptable. The organizer assumes no responsibility for misuse by anyone of the copyright of published images.
- Submission: Images and a completed entry form must be submitted on line using the exhibition website ( Please do not use Safari & Opera browsers to submit entry. You may use Firefox, Google Chrome & Internet Explorer instead. If you entered in the Khayyam 2014/2015 or Golestaneh Biennial, you may enter this exhibition with the same username and no need for new sign up. Entrants MUST use only the Western/Latin alphabet when submitting an entry.
- File size: All images are to be submitted in JPEG It is recommended that images should use RGB Colour Space. Digital Files (including any borders) must not exceed 1400 pixels on the longest side. Smaller images are acceptable but will be projected smaller on the screen. Maximum file size is 1 MB. If you submit files larger than 1 MB, you will receive an error message, and your images will be rejected. Please check all image sizes before submission, images with sizes greater than specified will be rejected. The projection background is black, Please DO NOT fill empty space with/or add large borders. Any borders should be no greater than 2 pixels wide.
- File Naming: Files do not need to be renamed when submitting an entry. However, the titles should appear on the entry form as you wish them to appear in the catalogue.
- Image Titles: Each image must have a unique title.
- Judging: Entries are limited to not more than 4 images per section. An entrant’s eight images will be distributed throughout eight rounds of judging in that section. Judging is based on acceptance or rejection. Judging will be done using LG HDTV & Judgment® Software (made by Focus Team Software Group, especially to judge Digital exhibitions).
- Names: No information about the entrant, title of the image or country will be given to the judges. No title or identification of the maker shall be visible anywhere on the face of an image entered in this exhibition.
- Public Showings: The accepted images will be printed to a size of 50x70 cm or larger & will be exhibited.
In any case of dispute regarding compliance with the Conditions of Entry or matters pertaining to an image (such as receipt, acceptance, compliance, score or award), the decision of the organizers and judges to accept your application (or not) will be final.
The exhibition is open to anyone; however, an entry may be rejected when the sponsoring organization, or its agent, in its reasonable discretion, believes the entry does not conform to exhibition rules and conditions.
Take special note: - In addition, like other cultures, Iran has some subjects that are not acceptable. In the case of Iran, our culture does not allow images of nudity or of women showing bare breasts, arms and legs. As such images of nudes and insufficiently dressed women will not be accepted. Nude photography and photographs of the naked body of women (including breasts, arms and legs) and also animal mating are excluded from this contest; therefore any entries, adjudged by the organizers to fall into these categories, will be disqualified.
Notification of results will be sent by email. Entrants should ensure that they provide an active email address and that spam filters are set to accept emails from Notifications will not be sent by post. Also you may login to the site using your username and send your result to your personal email using “Result” Key.
All entrants will receive an Online PDF Catalog.
All winners will be sent a free copy of the high quality printed catalogue. Catalogues will be sent by surface mail for overseas addresses. Awards will be sent with the catalogue.
By submitting an entry for MENTAL HEALTH 2020 International exhibition of Photography, the entrant permits the organizers to reproduce all or part of the entered material free of charge for publication in a catalogue, on an internet site and/or in other media related to MENTAL HEALTH 2020.
All entries shall conform to the above definitions for acceptances and awards to be validated for awards and acceptances.
“Entries must originate as photographs (image-captures of objects via light sensitivity) made by the entrant on photographic emulsion or acquired digitally. By virtue of submitting an entry, the entrant certifies the work as his own (aliases are not permitted). The entrant permits the sponsors to reproduce all or part of the entered material free of charge for publication and/or display in media related to the salon. This may include low resolution posting on a website. Note: Entrants who indicate that their images may not be reproduced or used “will not be eligible for awards” or inclusion in audio-visuals of the exhibition “and could be subject to disqualification” by the exhibition sponsors. The exhibition assumes no liability of any misuse of copyright. Images may be altered, either electronically or otherwise, by the maker, subject to Nature, Photo Travel, and Photojournalism divisional restrictions. All final work must be on photographic film, or on electronic file, or on photographic or electronic print material, mounting excepted.